
Showing posts from July, 2024

Enough is Enough! Alafouzos must end his self crusade, he must sell and end the charade

  Since assuming ownership in 2012 from the Vardinogianni family, Alafouzos holds a 74% stake in the club through his stake and through the company, Sortivo International Ltd. Despite this, questions persist about the true control of Sortivo, as the identities of its shareholders remain redacted see links below . There are suggestions that influence still lies with the Vardinogianni family, who are reluctant to relinquish their hold over the club. Alafouzos has positioned himself as a crusader against corruption in Greek football, frequently granting interviews to international media outlets like Sky News UK and BBC, portraying himself as a savior figure to a global audience. However, locally in Greece, he faces significant backlash from Panathinaikos supporters. They criticise his management decisions, branding him inept and attributing poor footballing choices to his leadership. At matches, chants against Alafouzos are common, reflecting widespread dissatisfaction among fans. Online,