
Showing posts from January, 2024

5 At-Risk Players Who Should Stay at PAO


The Curious Case of Ioannidis vs Sporar and now Jeremejeff

 Originally conceived as a study in the stylistic contrasts between Ioannidis and Sporar, this analysis now incorporates the emerging impact of Jeremejeff following his standout performance against Volos. However, after his weekends brace in his 30minute cameo and delivering Panathinaikos an important road victory versus Volos, Jeremejeff cannot be ignored. Goal Scoring Evolution: Last season's goal-scoring struggles prompted a desperate plea for goals, finishing fifth in the league with 47 goals in 36 games. Fast forward to the current season, and the team leads the league with 41 goals in just 15 games, a testament to what can be deemed a "Jova revolution." Looking at the numbers by our Forwards: I want to highlight that I have purposedly used the word “Forwards” as opposed to Strikers as I do not view Ioannidis as a striker, something which I will reflect on later in this blog.   *Jeremejeff was not included in the European Team List The selected stats don’t paint the